Tuesday, October 12, 2010

the Timeline

11, 000 BCE
- first hunter-gatherers settle in Mayan highland and lowlands

1800 BCE
 - first clearly Mayan settlements in Soconusco region of Pacific Coast
- sedentary communities
- introduction of pottery and fired clay figurines
- agriculture developed

1000 BCE
 - first significant proof of settlement in the site of Kaminaljuyu

700 BCE
- indications of dense population within Kaminaljuyu
- mid-sized Mayan communities established in Northern Mayan lowlands
- larger, more influential cities established in the Southern lowlands

500 BCE
- earliest known solar calendars are carved in stone; used by Mayan peoples

300 BCE
- Mayan script developed
- hierarchical society ruled by kings and nobles created
- city of Tikal established

150 BCE
- Mayan city Teotihuacán established
- quickly becomes a center for culture, religion and trading

250 CE
- large scale construction and urbanism
- significant intellectual and artistic advances
- city centered empire established; city-states become common
- stepped pyramids developed

500 CE
- Tikal begins to thrive; overtakes Teotihuacán
- immigration from Teotihuacán to Tikal

600 CE
- Teotihuacán and its empire destroyed by internal uprising
- Tikal becomes the largest city-state in Mesoamerica

751 CE
- Mayan alliances begin to break down
- trade between city-states declines while inter-state conflict increases

899 CE
- Tikal is abandoned
- Southern Mayan civilization collapses

1000 CE
- Northern Mayan cities begin to be abandoned

1263 CE
 - construction of Mayapán begins

1283 CE
- Mayapán construction is completed
- Mayapán becomes the capital: an important city for culture and trade

1441 CE
- rebellion within Mayapán begins

1461 CE
- Mayapán is abandoned
- 16 rival groups struggle for political power

1510 CE
- Spanish first arrive in Mesoamerica
- bring with them Old World diseases (smallpox, influenza and measles)

1519 CE
- Spanish priest Hernan Cortes travels to Mesoamerica
- efforts to convert Mayans to Christianity, with little success

1527 CE
- first attempt by the Spanish to conquer the Mayans
- failure by 1528 CE

1531 CE
- second Spanish invasion into Mesoamerica
- also a failure, ending in 1535

1540 CE
- third campaign to conquer the Mayans
- successful by 1546, despite periodic revolts by Mayan peoples